Jeff is an amazing story teller, a poet, songwriter and lyricist. This page is dedicated to Jeff's "Lyrics" from his album "Out Of The Hole".
All American Boy
Lyrics by Ken Mercer Music by Jeff Pike and Ken Mercer People always see me with a smile on my face They think I’m happy and full of joy. But sometimes I feel like I’m out of place. You see I’m really not the all American Boy. Don’t judge a book by its cover. It’ll fool you every time. I may appear to be an angel but I walk a crooked line. You think I’m carefree and full of joy. But I’m really not the All American Boy. Instead of being myself and letting people know me. I try to be oh so cute and coy. But someday soon the whole world will see. That I’m really not the All American Boy. CHORUS SOLO CHORUS Copyright 2007 - Jeff Pike Music/BMI |
Unsulpted Clay
Lyrics by Ken Mercer Music by Jeff Pike and Ken Mercer I once knew a young man. He was only 17. So curious about this world and places still unseen. But when man’s world put the squeeze on him he chose the easy path. He hid in drugs. He hid in alcohol. He got caught. And he had to face man’s wrath. The drugs and the cops took their toll on him And he was soon too tired to !ght But God works in mysterious ways. A Cross from Calvary caught his sight. God’s love and understanding soon renewed his soul. That precious blood Christ shed for us had brought another who was lost to the fold. If you could only see yourself through my eyes you would be so proud. You would see a soft and sensitive young man. Not that addict whose screaming loud. And yet you !ght so hard to control your life in every way. Just be patient young man. Give it to God. We are only un-sculpted clay. Well Satan disguised his voices from the past. And he wore the young man down. And in the confusion of that past he forgot that Christ was all around. Too tired to !ght he raised a gun and he fired as he said he would. So desperate to !nally join his God in the only way he thought he could. In anger I fought and I struggled for I could not understand. How our God could let this be with such a tender but troubled young man. And at the gravesite in their tears 7 addicts found the Cross. And there stood 7 new sculptures. Gods victory in spite of our loss. CHORUS Just be patient my friend. Give it to God. We are only.... Forever, Gods hands are molding and shaping us into what he intended us to be. So forever we will only be, un-sculpted clay. Copyright 2007 - Jeff Pike Music/BMI |
Let Go
Lyrics by Ken Mercer Music by Jeff Pike and Ken Mercer When I was young Christ was all I knew. I chose to live my life in the way he taught me too. I lived to tell others what Christ mean to me. And that through his blood we could live eternally. Then on a summer day while playing the Grim Reaper tried to take me away. A year later when I took my first steps I swore I would control every day In attempt to keep running from an unbeatable foe. I watched my life slide from a high to a low. Behind the drugs and booze I just couldn’t see. I began to wonder if God had forsaken me. Then a poem from my Mother that sent chills up and down my spine. I could have beaten that unbeatable foe. I could have beaten him at any time. Children bring their broken toys with tears for us to mend. I took my broken dreams to God because he was my friend. Instead of leaving him in peace and let him walk alone. I hung around and tried to help in ways that were my own. At last I snatched him back and cried “How could you work so slow?” “My child,” he said, “What could I do? You never would let go.” Let go. Let go and let God. Let him ease your pain. Cause no matter how hard you try my child your efforts are in vain. Let go. Let go and let God. A peace I never knew That peace and healing was always there. It’s there for me. Now it’s there for you. CHORUS Let go. Let God. Let go. Let God. Let go, and let God Copyright 2007 - Jeff Pike Music/BMI |
The Hole
Lyrics by Ken Mercer Music by Jeff Pike and Ken Mercer Just a scared little boy who didn’t really !t in with a hole through his heart. Sure that he wouldn’t make the cut. Being himself became the hardest part. Feeling unloved, unwanted, unworthy. All the things he wanted to be. So he strapped on a smile and held his head high. So the pain you would never see. The hole inside him continued to grow and all he tried never seemed to !t. So he pretended to be that which he thought would be loved. But that didn’t help a bit. Money and cars. Jobs and homes. They never seemed to !ll the void. Sense he turned his back on himself when he was just a boy. You can’t outrun yourself no matter how you try. No matter what kind of fuel you burn. It seems that no matter what you have in this world you still feel alone. And you burned every bridge that you ever built. And there’s no place left to turn. Alone and scared the hole becomes your home. When you’re living in fear the hole becomes your home. After years serving the bottle and the flash he found even his hope had fled. Crying at the sunrise and scared of the days he felt he was better o# dead. Then he heard of the rooms and the hope they bring. If you’re honest, willing with an open mind. So he crawled into those rooms never dreaming of the blessings he would find. He found people who understood his pain and the horrors of his past. And he built friendships of love that started filling the hole. Relationships that last. And he heard of a power greater than he that in time would allow just the boy to be. And that God shaped hole would be !lled. The boy set free. CHORUS But he believed in a power greater than he. That in time allowed just the boy to be. And that God shaped hole was !lled. The boy was free. And that God shaped hole was !lled. That boy was me. Copyright 2007 - Jeff Pike Music/BMI |
He Walked The Way
Lyrics by Ken Mercer Music by Jeff Pike and Ken Mercer On a hot dusty day he walked the rocky road With only his Father still by his side. With shame surrounding his name and death just hours away He never once stopped and asked his Father why. If this cup should pass without my drinking Then let it pass and that’s how it shall be. But if I must drink my Father I understand your reason. Perhaps we can teach them all to live in harmony. He walked the way so that we might follow. With blood and sweat mingled on his brow. He gave his life so we might have our tomorrow. He walked the way back then can you walk it now. While he was dying on the cross the people laughed at him. And soon the blood and sweat mingled with the dew. But before he died he begged for our forgiveness. Please Father forgive them for they know not what they do. CHORUS He walked the way back then Can you walk it....now Copyright 2007 - Jeff Pike Music/BMI |
Son Hold Your Head Up High
Lyrics by Ken Mercer Music by Jeff Pike and Ken Mercer It was just 5 years ago to this very day I saw them lay my Father in his grave. And it felt like my life had come to an end. So I pulled myself together And I started all over again The memories that he left are so dear to me. He told me at an early age I could be whatever I wanted to be. And all through my life he would reassure that thought. And every battle I encountered side by side we fought. He used to tell me.... Son hold your head up high and walk tall like a man. And if you take a fall get right back up. You can do it. I know you can. SOLO CHORUS Now I’m rolling with the punches. Living day by day. And I try to follow his example in each and every way. Though it seems like an eternity, I long for him still But we are bound by our saviors blood And I know we always will. I can hear him say... CHORUS And you can do it....I know you can. Copyright 2007 - Jeff Pike Music/BMI |
True Beauty
Lyrics by Ken Mercer Music by Jeff Pike and Ken Mercer I’ve never met anyone more beautiful than you. But true beauty lies within. You do so much for me. If you only knew. When I met you my life truly began. You lift my heart when it starts sinking low. No matter how dark the clouds a ray of light shines through. And when the storm blows over and the rivers gently !ow. Soon that ray of light turns into you Looking at love on the inside out. True beauty lies deeper than the skin. When I met you I began to see what love was all about. True beauty lies within. Old man winter creeps through the window On your lovely face beautiful and warm. Cradled in your arms I have nothing left to fear. Knowing that our love has just begun. CHORUS True beauty...lies within Copyright 2007 - Jeff Pike Music/BMI |
In Heaven
Lyrics by Ken Mercer Music by Jeff Pike and Ken Mercer A Mother and Grandmother. She’s gone today. To be with God. And there she’ll stay. Through all of time and through all of space. For surely she has earned her place – in Heaven. We’re sorry now. Now that she’s gone. But that is life, and life goes on. For yesterday, today, tomorrow. We will weep but she will have no sorrow – in Heaven. We’re sorry now. Our hearts are broken. Because of words still left unspoken. Think rather though of the days that we shared. And all the pain that she’ll be spared – in Heaven. We know we all must go someday. And when we do who leads the way? For some there’s doubt of what’s to come. But now for us we’ll be as one – in Heaven. Copyright 2007 - Jeff Pike Music/BMI |
The Road Ahead
Lyrics by Ken Mercer
Music by Jeff Pike and Ken Mercer
I could always see the path even though I sometimes strayed.
My dream. A vision of what I hoped to be. God provided it one day.
As I succeeded in man’s world I turned away from the Godly path.
I walked away from his Holy road map and blindly walked into mans wrath.
I walked away from my rock that all was built upon and I chose a path made of sand.
I watched my dream, my vision run away like water !owing through open hands.
All was gone before I realized his word "lled my frail hands gaps.
I looked all around but there was nothing. I no longer knew where I was at.
I turned around to "nd my rock but all I could see was sand.
The road looking back meant traveling on a path that was built by man
The fear overwhelmed me. I turned and fell to my knees.
When I wiped away the tears and looked ahead my rock was waiting there for me.
A voice called don’t look back. Just look ahead.
Let my love replace your pain.
I’ve shed my blood. Forgiven all your sins.
Now let it cleanse you like the rain.
Then I saw waiting for me at the edge of the solid path.
His Holy Word. My Bible. Loves only perfect path.
God’s love wrapped around me and I was safe within his hands
No gaps for me to fall through. No longer walking on the sand.
All along the map was there but I chose to look away.
But on the road ahead, I live again. Reborn this very day.
A voice called don’t look back. Just look ahead. Let my love replace your pain
I’ve shed my blood. Forgiven all your sins.
Now let it cleanse you like the rain.
Then I saw waiting for me at the edge of the solid path.
His Holy Word. My Bible. Loves only perfect map.
Copyright 2007 - Jeff Pike Music/BMI
Lyrics by Ken Mercer
Music by Jeff Pike and Ken Mercer
I could always see the path even though I sometimes strayed.
My dream. A vision of what I hoped to be. God provided it one day.
As I succeeded in man’s world I turned away from the Godly path.
I walked away from his Holy road map and blindly walked into mans wrath.
I walked away from my rock that all was built upon and I chose a path made of sand.
I watched my dream, my vision run away like water !owing through open hands.
All was gone before I realized his word "lled my frail hands gaps.
I looked all around but there was nothing. I no longer knew where I was at.
I turned around to "nd my rock but all I could see was sand.
The road looking back meant traveling on a path that was built by man
The fear overwhelmed me. I turned and fell to my knees.
When I wiped away the tears and looked ahead my rock was waiting there for me.
A voice called don’t look back. Just look ahead.
Let my love replace your pain.
I’ve shed my blood. Forgiven all your sins.
Now let it cleanse you like the rain.
Then I saw waiting for me at the edge of the solid path.
His Holy Word. My Bible. Loves only perfect path.
God’s love wrapped around me and I was safe within his hands
No gaps for me to fall through. No longer walking on the sand.
All along the map was there but I chose to look away.
But on the road ahead, I live again. Reborn this very day.
A voice called don’t look back. Just look ahead. Let my love replace your pain
I’ve shed my blood. Forgiven all your sins.
Now let it cleanse you like the rain.
Then I saw waiting for me at the edge of the solid path.
His Holy Word. My Bible. Loves only perfect map.
Copyright 2007 - Jeff Pike Music/BMI